233网校-李艾玲 一年级英语上册人教版 [视频]
教程标签:233网校, 李艾玲, 一年级英语,
教程大小: 1.46G
├──01-主要人物介绍.mp4 29.15M
├──02-Starter P2-3.mp4 37.48M
├──03-文具 P4-6.mp4 31.85M
├──04-Unit 1-1 P4-6.mp4 33.86M
├──05-Unit 1-2 P6.mp4 36.25M
├──06-Unit 1-3 P6-8.mp4 37.71M
├──07-Review and story time P9-11.mp4 38.82M
├──08-五官 P14.mp4 30.75M
├──09-Unit 2-1 P14.mp4 34.80M
├──10-Unit 2-2 P12-15.mp4 34.15M
├──11-Unit 2-3 P16.mp4 42.24M
├──12-Review and story time P17-19.mp4 30.72M
├──13-动物园 P20-22.mp4 40.45M
├──14-Unit 3-1 P22-23.mp4 39.15M
├──15-Unit 3-2 P22-23.mp4 45.14M
├──16-Unit 3-3 P23-24.mp4 43.39M
├──17-Review and story time P25-27.mp4 45.30M
├──18-Revision 1 P28-29.mp4 46.16M
├──19-数字 P32.mp4 49.70M
├──20-Unit 4-1 P30-32.mp4 46.31M
├──21-Unit 4-2 P30-32.mp4 53.50M
├──22-Unit 4-3 P33-34.mp4 53.40M
├──23-Review and story time P35-37.mp4 58.26M
├──24-彩虹 P40.mp4 53.86M
├──25-Unit 5-1 P40.mp4 46.03M
├──26-Unit 5-2 P41.mp4 72.23M
├──27-Unit 5-3 P41-42.mp4 57.70M
├──28-Unit 5-4 P43-45.mp4 60.02M
├──29-水果 P48.mp4 35.17M
├──30-Unit 6-1 P46-48.mp4 44.20M
├──31-Unit 6-2 P46-48.mp4 38.57M
├──32-Unit 6-3 P49.mp4 56.99M
├──33-Review and story time P51-53.mp4 47.74M
└──34-Revision 2 P54-55.mp4 41.76M
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