学乐英语Storybook Treasures 88集

学乐英语Storybook Treasures 88集,百度网盘启蒙英语课程6.35G分辨率720×480视频。


DVD01-01 Is your mama a llama.mp4

DVD01-02 Leo the late bloomer.mp4

DVD01-03 Ellzabeti’&’s doll.mp4

DVD01-04 Goose.mp4

DVD01-05 five creatures.mp4

DVD02-01 The snowy day.mp4

DVD02-02 Whistle for willie.mp4

DVD02-03 Peter’&’s chair.mp4

DVD02-04 Pet show.mp4

DVD02-05 A Letter to Amy.mp4

DVD02-06 Getting to know Ezra jack keats.mp4

DVD02-07 APT.3.mp4

DVD03-01 Good night,gorilla.mp4

DVD03-02 How do dinosaurs say good night.mp4

DVD03-03 Happy birthday moon.mp4

DVD03-04 The napping house.mp4

DVD03-05 The paperboy.mp4

DVD03-06 Patrick.mp4

DVD03-07 The hat.mp4

DVD04-01 The teacher from the black lagoon.mp4

DVD04-02 What’&’s under my bed.mp4

DVD04-03 By the light of the Hallo ween moon.mp4

DVD04-04 The three robbers.mp4

DVD04-05 A dark,dark tale.mp4

DVD04-06 Georgie.mp4

DVD04-07 Teeny-tiny and the witch-woman.mp4

DVD05-01 Chrysanthemun.mp4

DVD05-02 Owen.mp4

DVD05-03 A weekend with wendell.mp4

DVD05-04 Picnic.mp4

DVD05-05 Monty.mp4

DVD05-06 The wizard.mp4

DVD06-01 Chicka chicka boom boom.mp4

DVD06-02 Trashy town.mp4

DVD06-03 Rosie’&’s Walk.mp4

DVD06-04 The caterpillar and the polliwog.mp4

DVD06-05 The foollsh frog.mp4

DVD06-06 Joey runs away.mp4

DVD06-07 Changes,changes.mp4

DVD07-01 Corduroy.mp4

DVD07-02 Yo! yes?.mp4

DVD07-03 Here comes the cat!.mp4

DVD07-04 The rainbabies.mp4

DVD08-01 There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.mp4

DVD08-02 Antarctic antics.mp4

DVD08-03 Musical max.mp4

DVD08-04 Keeping house.mp4

DVD08-05 Waiting For Wings.mp4

DVD09-01 Curious george rides a bike.mp4

DVD09-02 The Great White Man-Eating Shark.mp4

DVD09-03 Flossie and the fox.mp4

DVD09-04 The happy lion.mp4

DVD09-05 Cat and canary.mp4

DVD10-01 Why mosquitoes buzz in people’&’s ears.mp4

DVD10-02 A story, A story.mp4

DVD10-03 Who’&’s in rabbit’&’s house.mp4

DVD10-04 The village of round and square houses.mp4

DVD10-05 Hot hippo.mp4

DVD11-01 Strega nona.mp4

DVD11-02 Joseph had a little overcoat.mp4

DVD11-03 Stone soup.mp4

DVD11-04 The tale of the mandarin ducks.mp4

DVD12-01 Harold and the purple crayon.mp4

DVD12-02 A picture for harold’&’s room.mp4

DVD12-03 Harold’&’s fairy tale.mp4

DVD12-04 The mysterious tadpole.mp4

DVD12-05 Drummer hoff.mp4

DVD12-06 Smile for auntie.mp4

DVD13-01 Click,Clack,Moo Cows That Type.mp4

DVD13-02 The Day Jimmy’&’s Boa Ate The Wash.mp4

DVD13-03 The pigs’&’ wedding.mp4

DVD13-04 The cow who fell in the canal.mp4

DVD13-05 Charlie Needs A Cloak.mp4

DVD14-01 Harry the dirty dog.mp4

DVD14-02 No Roses for Harry! .mp4

DVD14-03 Officer buckle and gloria.mp4

DVD14-04 Dot the fire dog.mp4

DVD14-05 I want a dog.mp4

DVD14-06 Angus lost.mp4

DVD15-01 Where the wild things are.mp4

DVD15-02 The Nutshell Kids.mp4

DVD15-03 In the night kitchen.mp4

DVD15-04 Getting to know maurice sendak.mp4

DVD16-01 Make way for ducklings.mp4

DVD16-02 Blueberries for sal.mp4

DVD16-03 Time of wonder.mp4

DVD16-04 Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man.mp4

DVD16-05 Lentil.mp4


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